Mac onvif device manager
Mac onvif device manager

mac onvif device manager

XML is the data description syntax (used because it's language agnostic any language can parse it).Thus to interact with the device from any language we use web service operations / calls, as web service calls can be implemented in any language. A web service is typically hosted on a server but in the ONVIF use case, the web service provider is the ONVIF device (eg, an IP Camera).The basic idea is that we want to be able to call what are effectively methods/functions (a service) from any programming language. "Web Services" is the name of a standard technology using platform and language independent web service standards such as XML, SOAP, and WSDL over an IP Network.If I may I'll just summarize what I know so you can tell me if I'm on the right track: However, I have put in a lot of effort into this myself: I have read a good deal of ONVIF Core Spec, ONVIF Application Programmer's Guide, and WS-Discovery Specification. I am still new to the web service world (and networking in general), so forgive me if I say anything dumb. In general I'm also looking for some guidance relating to using the ONVIF Spec. Ultimately getting this detailed information of the ONVIF devices on the network is my goal. Once a client has the device service address it can receive detailed device information through the device service.". Specifically, I am trying to get their device service address (which is just their IP address I believe?), as the ONVIF Core Spec notes (in Section 4.3) that "A successful discovery provides the device service address. I am trying to discover ONVIF devices with some Java code.

Mac onvif device manager